Tag Archives: dogs

The Many Benefits of Pets for Children

child with pet

Today’s world is, unfortunately, out of touch with nature in many ways. Pets can be the means for bringing some of the wilder spirit of the natural world into our homes. Children, in particular, often derive a lot of comfort and joy from reconnecting to nature in this way. Though it is unrealistic to expect […]

Treatment of Frostbite in Pets

Dog with hat in cold

Winter can be a tough time for humans and their animal companions.  Pets can experience many of the same ailments and dangers that humans face when the weather turns cold.  Unfortunately, pet-owners are not always aware of what they can do to ensure their animals are safe, warm and healthy through the winter months.  Two […]

Can Cats and Dogs Live Together?

cat and dog

Fluffy and Fido play together, eat together, and even sleep together – or so you’ve heard. Some cats and dogs do become best friends, while in other households, they just tolerate each other, or they don’t get along at all. Millions of Americans live with at least one dog and one cat. How do they […]

Cancer in Cats and Dogs

pet xray

Fluffy or Fido has developed a lump. You observe your cat or dog having difficulty when chewing. Your pet doesn’t want to play any more. The diagnosis: cancer.Dog, cats, and other mammals are susceptible to many of the diseases that humans get, cancer included. With advances in veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer, which […]

How to Sell a Home with Pets and Kids Living In It

house for sale

Children and pets are a source of joy, but not helpful when it comes to selling your home. Buyers need to imagine themselves living in your place, and that’s hard to do when someone else’s dogs and toddlers are in the way. The good news is, many pet-owning families have successfully sold their home. You […]

Protecting Your Pet from Winter Cold

Dog with hat in cold

Rain, wind, snow, and ice. Cold temperatures and the accompanying weather can cause discomfort to our pets as well as to us. It can also be life-threatening. Adjust to the elements with your pets, and they’ll be safer and healthier.

Moving Your Home with Dogs and Cats


You’re moving to another neighborhood or to another state. To your cat or dog, the only difference is the traveling time. Moving to a new home is a major uprooting for dogs and cats. You can help the move go more smoothly for your pet as well as for yourself. If you start preparing well […]

Rabbits as Pets?

pet rabbit and girl

They’re cute, entertaining, expressive, sociable, and affectionate. They don’t bark or meow. They don’t need to be taken for walks. Are rabbits perfect pets? For some people, yes. But like dogs and cats, rabbits require daily care. Rabbits are healthiest and happiest when they live with people who understand and can accommodate their needs.

Pet Odor Removal Solutions

Pet Odor Removal spray

The odor and stains from pet urine and cat spray stubbornly cling and soak into surfaces, making a home smell less than welcoming to visitors. What are the best pet odor removal strategies the most stubborn odors? Is it possible for pets and people to live together in an odor-free environment? Yes, it is! The […]