Tag Archives: dogs

Rabbits as Pets?

pet rabbit and girl

They’re cute, entertaining, expressive, sociable, and affectionate. They don’t bark or meow. They don’t need to be taken for walks. Are rabbits perfect pets? For some people, yes. But like dogs and cats, rabbits require daily care. Rabbits are healthiest and happiest when they live with people who understand and can accommodate their needs.

Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Cat or Dog?

raw pet food

For decades, we’ve fed our dogs and cats processed food from cans and bags. Pet food manufacturers and veterinarians have assured us that food made especially for cats and dogs is the best for their nutritional needs. In recent years, the raw food movement for dogs and cats has spread across the continent. Is it […]

When You’re Allergic to Animals

Itchy, puffy, watery, red eyes. A stuffy or runny nose. Sneezing. A scratchy or sore throat. Itchy skin. Hives. Shortness of breath. Allergic reactions to family pets can develop in childhood or in adulthood, even after years of living with animals. Finding another home for pets is often not an acceptable option. In a 1997 […]

Thyroid Problems in Dogs and Cats

cat at the vet

Fido or Fluffy may be lethargic. Or hyperactive. Eating less and gaining weight, or eating more and losing weight. Feeling cold. Feeling hot.The thyroid gland, which sits against the windpipe, could be responsible. Dogs aged two and up are at risk for developing hypothyroidism, a condition resulting from not enough thyroid hormone. Middle-aged and older […]

Protecting Your Pet from Summer Heat

person touching golden retriever

He’s panting excessively. He’s restless and agitated, or maybe lethargic. He salivates, vomits, staggers, and loses coordination. If you’re there to see it, you may observe that his eyes are glazed, and his gums and tongue are reddish or purple. In just a short time, he may lose consciousness.

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are preventable when you know how to take care of animals in hot weather. If you see these symptoms, you need to act fast to save the animal’s life.

Adopting an Adult Cat or Dog

Senior Dog

Why adopt an adult cat or dog?First, they’re kittens and puppies. They wiggle and totter and fall in love with us as we fall for them. Kittens and puppies remind us what it’s like to start on life’s great adventures, but they require a lot more work than adult cats and dogs do. They make […]

Traveling with your dogs – Should you take your dogs with you?

Traveling with dogs

You’re planning your vacation, or you are going to be traveling with your dogs for other reasons. Should you take your dogs with you? If you take them how do you prepare for travel with your dog? The answers depend on your dog, the traveling type and distance, and the destination.