Should you have health insurance for your pets? If your pets need only routine care for all their lives, pet health insurance probably costs more than the cost of veterinary bills. On the other hand, if your pets require emergency treatment or ongoing care for a chronic condition, pet insurance can save you a lot […]
Tag Archives: dog
When you see him with his mother and littermates, your new puppy-to-be is playful, affectionate, and happy. When you bring him home with you, your puppy is still playful and affectionate — but he whimpers at night. And gets frightened easily. And isn’t house-trained. With the right preparation and training, your new puppy will adjust […]
Cats are happiest when they’re at home. But on occasion, we need to transport them for short trips to the veterinarian or longer trips when we’re moving. How do we make the trip as comfortable as possible for our homebody pets?
For decades, we’ve fed our dogs and cats processed food from cans and bags. Pet food manufacturers and veterinarians have assured us that food made especially for cats and dogs is the best for their nutritional needs. In recent years, the raw food movement for dogs and cats has spread across the continent. Is it […]
Veterinarians are not alike. Neither are veterinary clinics. Choose your pet’s veterinarian carefully, and when your pet needs veterinary care, everyone will be happier.
Bringing a new pet home can be both exciting and scary. Whether your dog was bought as a puppy or adopted as an adult, crate training helps to establish important routines, provide discipline, aids in house-breaking, and prevents inappropriate urination and other problems that can lead to difficult and hard to remove pet odors. Crate […]
Fido has been having difficulty standing up after lying down, and he hesitates to climb stairs. He limps or walks with a swaying motion, and he has developed an awkward, hopping gait when running. After your veterinarian examines your dog and does X-rays, you get the diagnosis: canine hip dysplasia.
Fleas can attach themselves to animals outdoors, move indoors with you, jump from one pet to another, spring from carpets or upholstered furniture, or hatch from dormant larvae in your home. They can live year-round indoors, and outdoors as well in warmer climates. Walk into a pet shop and you’ll find topical flea treatments ranging […]
Fido barks and dances in circles to greet you. He barks when you come home and when he’s home alone. He frightens off burglars and brings in neighbors’ complaints. Fluffy, on the other hand, purrs when you sit down for her to snuggle on your lap. The neighbors never complain about her meows, but they […]
Whether you just recently adopted your first pet, or you have been a pet owner for several years, this list of pet care tips will ensure your furry family member is not only well taken care of but also happy. A happy and healthy pet is important, and as a good pet owner, you want […]