Category Archives: Pet Care

Easy ways to eliminate pet odors from your home.

Teen turns due to unpleasant odor from cat

Cats are wonderful pets as many cat owners will attest. However, the pet odors associated with cats often create havoc in many households. It is quite possible to enjoy cat ownership and eliminate pet odors if you remain diligent in your efforts.

How to Stop Dogs from Chewing

Dog Chewing

Your dog doesn’t chew only his dog toys. Your dog chews your shoes, the bedding, the furniture, and even power cords. How can you stop your dog from chewing?

Puppy Care

When you see him with his mother and littermates, your new puppy-to-be is playful, affectionate, and happy. When you bring him home with you, your puppy is still playful and affectionate — but he whimpers at night. And gets frightened easily. And isn’t house-trained. With the right preparation and training, your new puppy will adjust […]

Removing Pet Hair from Furniture and Clothing

Man using lint roller

“The problem with cats and dogs is that they shed.” Shedding is a common complaint of people who prefer homes free of pet hair to the joys of having a pet. But do we have to choose? To a point, yes. If you don’t want any pet hair in your home, don’t get a pet. […]

Thyroid Problems in Dogs and Cats

cat at the vet

Fido or Fluffy may be lethargic. Or hyperactive. Eating less and gaining weight, or eating more and losing weight. Feeling cold. Feeling hot.The thyroid gland, which sits against the windpipe, could be responsible. Dogs aged two and up are at risk for developing hypothyroidism, a condition resulting from not enough thyroid hormone. Middle-aged and older […]

When Your Dog Barks Too Much

Dog Barking

It’s annoying. It’s sometimes maddening. It can even be life threatening.Your dog’s bark may not be as bad as his bite, but dogs’ barking is a common reason that dogs are poisoned. The good news is that you can work with your dog to reduce his urge to bark.

Kitten Care

Kitten Nursing

She runs. She chases. She leaps. She pounces. When her little body has had enough, she suddenly sleeps. After all, this new member of your household is just a baby. Taking care of a new kitten is a small challenge and a great joy. Kittens have rapidly changing bodies and inquisitive minds, and they’re learning […]