Category Archives: Health care

Are Topical Flea Treatments Safe?

Pet flea products on shelves

Fleas can attach themselves to animals outdoors, move indoors with you, jump from one pet to another, spring from carpets or upholstered furniture, or hatch from dormant larvae in your home. They can live year-round indoors, and outdoors as well in warmer climates. Walk into a pet shop and you’ll find topical flea treatments ranging […]

Pet poisoning prevention: Is your home dangerous to your pets?

Kitchen cleaners

It might be if you don’t know what to watch out for. Many things found commonly around our homes are deadly to animals. Did you know that grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs? That garlic and onions are toxic to cats? It’s true. Items as simple as chocolate, coffee grounds, and even apple seeds […]

Top 10 Pet Care Tips for Pet Owners

Image of Vet with cat

Whether you just recently adopted your first pet, or you have been a pet owner for several years, this list of pet care tips will ensure your furry family member is not only well taken care of but also happy. A happy and healthy pet is important, and as a good pet owner, you want […]

Dealing With Your Aging Cat or Dog

Senior Dog

As cats and dogs get older, they’re prone to many of the same ailments that people may experience with aging. Unfortunately, instead of helping their companions grow old gracefully, some people replace their aging pets as they would an older car. Shelters are full of even healthy older animals that no one wants. Animals have […]

Should You Have Your Dog Neutered?

dog at vet

Dog neutering is a routine veterinary operation, but the decision is not always routine. Some people are concerned that having their dog neutered reduces his quality of life. In reality, unless you’re a professional dog breeder, you’re giving your dog far more than you’re taking from him when you have him neutered.

Cats and Babies

Cat and Baby

You’re expecting a baby, and you already have a cat in the family. Your friends and relatives are telling you that you can’t keep your cat when the baby arrives. Do cats smother or suck the breath out of babies? Is it safe for cats and babies to live together?No, the old tales are not […]

Cats and Hairballs

Cat vomiting

Fluffy looks healthy and content as she does her normal cat things. Suddenly – and possibly on your carpet – she begins to retch. When she’s finished, she resumes her normal cat routine. Is your cat sick? Perhaps, but a likely cause is hairballs. Hairballs are common in cats, particularly long-haired cats. With our help, […]

When You’re Allergic to Animals

Itchy, puffy, watery, red eyes. A stuffy or runny nose. Sneezing. A scratchy or sore throat. Itchy skin. Hives. Shortness of breath. Allergic reactions to family pets can develop in childhood or in adulthood, even after years of living with animals. Finding another home for pets is often not an acceptable option. In a 1997 […]