Category Archives: Everything

Treatment of Frostbite in Pets

Dog with hat in cold

Winter can be a tough time for humans and their animal companions.  Pets can experience many of the same ailments and dangers that humans face when the weather turns cold.  Unfortunately, pet-owners are not always aware of what they can do to ensure their animals are safe, warm and healthy through the winter months.  Two […]

Dental Care for Dogs and Cats

Dog brushing teeth

They didn’t have (or need) toothbrushes. For the ancestors of our dogs and cats, chewing through bone and skin of wild prey accomplished the same purpose. Unlike their wild ancestors, though, domesticated dogs and cats generally eat food that’s gentle on their teeth and gums. Without the workout that the teeth and gums need, dental […]

Do-it-Yourself Dog Grooming

Dog grooming

Should you take your dog to a professional dog groomer, or should you groom your dog yourself? Depending on your dog’s needs, the answer might be to do both. If you take your dog to a professional dog groomer, you can groom him yourself between appointments. And if your dog’s coat doesn’t require the care […]

Moving Your Home with Dogs and Cats


You’re moving to another neighborhood or to another state. To your cat or dog, the only difference is the traveling time. Moving to a new home is a major uprooting for dogs and cats. You can help the move go more smoothly for your pet as well as for yourself. If you start preparing well […]

Pet Odor Removal Solutions

Pet Odor Removal spray

The odor and stains from pet urine and cat spray stubbornly cling and soak into surfaces, making a home smell less than welcoming to visitors. What are the best pet odor removal strategies the most stubborn odors? Is it possible for pets and people to live together in an odor-free environment? Yes, it is! The […]