It may be a structure that you designed and built yourself. Or perhaps you bought a dog house kit to build it, or you bought it pre-made. No matter how the dog house was built, your dog will be happy if it’s comfortable for him in all kinds of weather, at whatever time of day […]
Category Archives: Dogs
Bringing a new pet home can be both exciting and scary. Whether your dog was bought as a puppy or adopted as an adult, crate training helps to establish important routines, provide discipline, aids in house-breaking, and prevents inappropriate urination and other problems that can lead to difficult and hard to remove pet odors. Crate […]
He’s panting excessively. He’s restless and agitated, or maybe lethargic. He salivates, vomits, staggers, and loses coordination. If you’re there to see it, you may observe that his eyes are glazed, and his gums and tongue are reddish or purple. In just a short time, he may lose consciousness.
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are preventable when you know how to take care of animals in hot weather. If you see these symptoms, you need to act fast to save the animal’s life.
Why adopt an adult cat or dog?First, they’re kittens and puppies. They wiggle and totter and fall in love with us as we fall for them. Kittens and puppies remind us what it’s like to start on life’s great adventures, but they require a lot more work than adult cats and dogs do. They make […]
You’re planning your vacation, or you are going to be traveling with your dogs for other reasons. Should you take your dogs with you? If you take them how do you prepare for travel with your dog? The answers depend on your dog, the traveling type and distance, and the destination.
Fido has been having difficulty standing up after lying down, and he hesitates to climb stairs. He limps or walks with a swaying motion, and he has developed an awkward, hopping gait when running. After your veterinarian examines your dog and does X-rays, you get the diagnosis: canine hip dysplasia.
You and your honey are spending some quiet time together. Your honey touches you, and your dog whines, growls, or tries to get between the two of you. Or perhaps a new baby has joined the family, and your dog has become withdrawn or aggressive.
Fluffy and Fido are scratching, shaking, and rubbing their heads and ears. It looks like ear mites…or ear infections. Both are common with cats and dogs, but how can you tell the difference, and what can you do about the problem?
It’s annoying. It’s sometimes maddening. It can even be life threatening.Your dog’s bark may not be as bad as his bite, but dogs’ barking is a common reason that dogs are poisoned. The good news is that you can work with your dog to reduce his urge to bark.
Fleas can attach themselves to animals outdoors, move indoors with you, jump from one pet to another, spring from carpets or upholstered furniture, or hatch from dormant larvae in your home. They can live year-round indoors, and outdoors as well in warmer climates. Walk into a pet shop and you’ll find topical flea treatments ranging […]