Category Archives: Cats

Thyroid Problems in Dogs and Cats

cat at the vet

Fido or Fluffy may be lethargic. Or hyperactive. Eating less and gaining weight, or eating more and losing weight. Feeling cold. Feeling hot.The thyroid gland, which sits against the windpipe, could be responsible. Dogs aged two and up are at risk for developing hypothyroidism, a condition resulting from not enough thyroid hormone. Middle-aged and older […]

Kitten Care

Kitten Nursing

She runs. She chases. She leaps. She pounces. When her little body has had enough, she suddenly sleeps. After all, this new member of your household is just a baby. Taking care of a new kitten is a small challenge and a great joy. Kittens have rapidly changing bodies and inquisitive minds, and they’re learning […]

Why Cats Scratch

Cat Scratching

Cats. They’re endlessly amusing, warm and cuddly, delightfully playful, independent and aloof, and… destructive. Our feline companions seem to have a knack for shredding upholstery, drapes, and rugs to ribbons, regardless of their owner’s feelings on the matter. Though some people believe their scratching is done out of spite or poor manners, this frustrating behavior […]