Category Archives: Cats

Cats Versus Dogs: Which Are Better Pets?

cat and dog

Fido barks and dances in circles to greet you. He barks when you come home and when he’s home alone. He frightens off burglars and brings in neighbors’ complaints. Fluffy, on the other hand, purrs when you sit down for her to snuggle on your lap. The neighbors never complain about her meows, but they […]

Protecting Your Pet from Summer Heat

person touching golden retriever

He’s panting excessively. He’s restless and agitated, or maybe lethargic. He salivates, vomits, staggers, and loses coordination. If you’re there to see it, you may observe that his eyes are glazed, and his gums and tongue are reddish or purple. In just a short time, he may lose consciousness.

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are preventable when you know how to take care of animals in hot weather. If you see these symptoms, you need to act fast to save the animal’s life.

Top 10 Pet Care Tips for Pet Owners

Image of Vet with cat

Whether you just recently adopted your first pet, or you have been a pet owner for several years, this list of pet care tips will ensure your furry family member is not only well taken care of but also happy. A happy and healthy pet is important, and as a good pet owner, you want […]

The Many Benefits of Pets for Children

child with pet

Today’s world is, unfortunately, out of touch with nature in many ways. Pets can be the means for bringing some of the wilder spirit of the natural world into our homes. Children, in particular, often derive a lot of comfort and joy from reconnecting to nature in this way. Though it is unrealistic to expect […]

6 Tips to Reduce Litter Box Odor in your home

cat litter box

A cat is an excellent choice of pet for animal lovers, especially those who may not be interested in going outside early in the morning to walk a dog. While this may allow you a few extra minutes in your warm bed, the stench of a freshly-used litter box may drive you out of the […]

Cats and Hairballs

Cat vomiting

Fluffy looks healthy and content as she does her normal cat things. Suddenly – and possibly on your carpet – she begins to retch. When she’s finished, she resumes her normal cat routine. Is your cat sick? Perhaps, but a likely cause is hairballs. Hairballs are common in cats, particularly long-haired cats. With our help, […]

Cats and Stress – How to deal with a stressed cat

Scared cat

She might become aggressive or withdrawn. Perhaps she is restless or more emotionally needy. Some cats under stress mark their territory more by scratching, spraying, or urinating or defecating in inappropriate places. They may become more vocal, hide, spend more time outdoors or indoors, lose interest in food, groom themselves excessively, or even mutilate themselves.