Fluffy and Fido play together, eat together, and even sleep together – or so you’ve heard. Some cats and dogs do become best friends, while in other households, they just tolerate each other, or they don’t get along at all. Millions of Americans live with at least one dog and one cat. How do they […]
Category Archives: Cats
It might be if you don’t know what to watch out for. Many things found commonly around our homes are deadly to animals. Did you know that grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs? That garlic and onions are toxic to cats? It’s true. Items as simple as chocolate, coffee grounds, and even apple seeds […]
A kitten or a cat? Domestic or purebred? Short-haired or long-haired? Once you adopt a cat, she’ll be part of your family for up to 20 years. How do you choose a kitten or cat from all the felines waiting to be adopted?
Veterinarians are not alike. Neither are veterinary clinics. Choose your pet’s veterinarian carefully, and when your pet needs veterinary care, everyone will be happier.
As cats and dogs get older, they’re prone to many of the same ailments that people may experience with aging. Unfortunately, instead of helping their companions grow old gracefully, some people replace their aging pets as they would an older car. Shelters are full of even healthy older animals that no one wants. Animals have […]
Fleas can attach themselves to animals outdoors, move indoors with you, jump from one pet to another, spring from carpets or upholstered furniture, or hatch from dormant larvae in your home. They can live year-round indoors, and outdoors as well in warmer climates. Walk into a pet shop and you’ll find topical flea treatments ranging […]
Fences aren’t always practical. Even if you have one, some dogs can jump them, and to cats, they’re just a flat, narrow tree to climb. Indoors, we may want to limit our pets from out-of-bounds areas. Counters, tables, couches, babies’ rooms, balconies, and poisonous plants may be restricted areas or objects. Training methods such as […]
Fluffy meows when she’s hungry, when she wants attention, when she smells food…and sometimes for reasons unknown to us. Her meowing may be conversational, or it may be annoying. Especially when we’re trying to fall asleep at night.
Cat Bag, a new commercial venture in Tokyo, Japan that charges people approximately $5 to play with cats, is proving to be very successful.”People may think cats are common because they used to be everywhere,” Makoto Suematsu, the proprietor, told an Asahi Newspaper reporter. “However, cats are not familiar animals anymore. There are many people […]
What is the perfect gift for Fluffy or Fido’s caregiver? You can spend a little, a lot, or even nothing — just give of your time. We’ve compiled some ideas to help you choose gifts for the pet owners in your life.