Why Cats Scratch

Cat Scratching

Cats. They’re endlessly amusing, warm and cuddly, delightfully playful, independent and aloof, and… destructive. Our feline companions seem to have a knack for shredding upholstery, drapes, and rugs to ribbons, regardless of their owner’s feelings on the matter. Though some people believe their scratching is done out of spite or poor manners, this frustrating behavior […]

Moving Your Home with Dogs and Cats


You’re moving to another neighborhood or to another state. To your cat or dog, the only difference is the traveling time. Moving to a new home is a major uprooting for dogs and cats. You can help the move go more smoothly for your pet as well as for yourself. If you start preparing well […]

Rabbits as Pets?

pet rabbit and girl

They’re cute, entertaining, expressive, sociable, and affectionate. They don’t bark or meow. They don’t need to be taken for walks. Are rabbits perfect pets? For some people, yes. But like dogs and cats, rabbits require daily care. Rabbits are healthiest and happiest when they live with people who understand and can accommodate their needs.

Cats and Stress – How to deal with a stressed cat

Scared cat

She might become aggressive or withdrawn. Perhaps she is restless or more emotionally needy. Some cats under stress mark their territory more by scratching, spraying, or urinating or defecating in inappropriate places. They may become more vocal, hide, spend more time outdoors or indoors, lose interest in food, groom themselves excessively, or even mutilate themselves.

Understand and Communicate with Your Cat

cat and kitten

Fluffy purrs when you stroke her head. Your hand moves down her back, along her soft fur. You feel the pleasure of connecting with your feline friend. Suddenly her teeth or claws meet your skin. Your cat didn’t turn into a monster. She gave you feline messages that she’d had enough, but we humans tend […]

Excessive Meowing: When Your Cat Talks Too Much

cat meowing

Fluffy meows when she’s hungry, when she wants attention, when she smells food…and sometimes for reasons unknown to us. Her meowing may be conversational, or it may be annoying. Especially when we’re trying to fall asleep at night.

Pet Odor Removal Solutions

Pet Odor Removal spray

The odor and stains from pet urine and cat spray stubbornly cling and soak into surfaces, making a home smell less than welcoming to visitors. What are the best pet odor removal strategies the most stubborn odors? Is it possible for pets and people to live together in an odor-free environment? Yes, it is! The […]