Should you have health insurance for your pets? If your pets need only routine care for all their lives, pet health insurance probably costs more than the cost of veterinary bills. On the other hand, if your pets require emergency treatment or ongoing care for a chronic condition, pet insurance can save you a lot […]
Fido is eating less, he’s tired all the time, and he doesn’t have enough energy for exercise. He’s been having difficulty breathing. You hear abnormal sounds from his lungs, and he has a deep, soft cough. He may be losing weight and vomiting. Fluffy may also be having these problems — or you may see […]
Your dog doesn’t chew only his dog toys. Your dog chews your shoes, the bedding, the furniture, and even power cords. How can you stop your dog from chewing?
When you see him with his mother and littermates, your new puppy-to-be is playful, affectionate, and happy. When you bring him home with you, your puppy is still playful and affectionate — but he whimpers at night. And gets frightened easily. And isn’t house-trained. With the right preparation and training, your new puppy will adjust […]
Is it necessary to purchase pet insurance for cats and kittens? What types of policies are available? What should you look for when purchasing a pet insurance policy for your cat or kitten?
You want to keep your dog or cat safe in your yard. Perhaps you want to keep the neighbors’ cats and dogs out of your yard. Build a good fence, reinforce it, and design a yard that’s safe and fun for your dog or cat.
Cats are happiest when they’re at home. But on occasion, we need to transport them for short trips to the veterinarian or longer trips when we’re moving. How do we make the trip as comfortable as possible for our homebody pets?
“The problem with cats and dogs is that they shed.” Shedding is a common complaint of people who prefer homes free of pet hair to the joys of having a pet. But do we have to choose? To a point, yes. If you don’t want any pet hair in your home, don’t get a pet. […]
Fluffy purrs when you stroke her head. Your hand moves down her back, along her soft fur. You feel the pleasure of connecting with your feline friend. Suddenly her teeth or claws meet your skin. Your cat didn’t turn into a monster. She gave you feline messages that she’d had enough, but we humans tend […]
Rain, wind, snow, and ice. Cold temperatures and the accompanying weather can cause discomfort to our pets as well as to us. It can also be life-threatening. Adjust to the elements with your pets, and they’ll be safer and healthier.