Dogs and Skunks


You and your dog are out on your daily walk, or perhaps your dog is in your back yard. Suddenly, he dashes toward the bushes or the garbage cans, and just as suddenly, he yelps. You almost yelp too when you realize that your dog has been sprayed by a skulking skunk.

Now what?

Cancer in Cats and Dogs

pet xray

Fluffy or Fido has developed a lump. You observe your cat or dog having difficulty when chewing. Your pet doesn’t want to play any more. The diagnosis: cancer.Dog, cats, and other mammals are susceptible to many of the diseases that humans get, cancer included. With advances in veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer, which […]

Jobs for Dogs: Service and Therapy Dogs

Photo of Service dog

They work without a contract and they don’t receive salaries, but they never complain or go on strike. We rely on them and they thrive under the responsibility we give them. Service dogs, also called assistance dogs, are trained to meet the disability-related needs of people with disabilities. Some service dogs are bred for a […]

The Many Benefits of Pets for Children

child with pet

Today’s world is, unfortunately, out of touch with nature in many ways. Pets can be the means for bringing some of the wilder spirit of the natural world into our homes. Children, in particular, often derive a lot of comfort and joy from reconnecting to nature in this way. Though it is unrealistic to expect […]

6 Tips to Reduce Litter Box Odor in your home

cat litter box

A cat is an excellent choice of pet for animal lovers, especially those who may not be interested in going outside early in the morning to walk a dog. While this may allow you a few extra minutes in your warm bed, the stench of a freshly-used litter box may drive you out of the […]

Dog Training – How to effectively train your pet.

Dog Training

Dogs are true friends who always stand on the terms of friendship. They serve as pre-eminent pets when compared with others, as they are lovable, faithful and entertaining too. They spare you from your loneliness, especially when there’s nobody with you. Dogs can be the great companions and friends for you and your family rather […]

What Children Learn with and from Pets

child with pet

Those of us who had pets as children probably remember the unconditional love we received, the pleasures of animal companionship, and the lessons in caring for another creature. Most likely, we gained far more from our pets than we realize even now. Advantages of pets for children Children who grow up with pets tend to […]

Cats and Babies

Cat and Baby

You’re expecting a baby, and you already have a cat in the family. Your friends and relatives are telling you that you can’t keep your cat when the baby arrives. Do cats smother or suck the breath out of babies? Is it safe for cats and babies to live together?No, the old tales are not […]