Why adopt an adult cat or dog?First, they’re kittens and puppies. They wiggle and totter and fall in love with us as we fall for them. Kittens and puppies remind us what it’s like to start on life’s great adventures, but they require a lot more work than adult cats and dogs do. They make messes on your floor, they scratch and chew on your furniture, and they pull at your drapes and your patience.
Grown dogs and cats have already Been There, Done That. They understand the basic rules of life, and they know that you’ll teach them whatever else they need to learn. They’ve already developed into what they were going to be, but they still have plenty of love to give. Puppies and kittens can almost always find a home. Older dogs and cats often can’t. If you adopt an adult dog or cat, you’ve not only bypassed the puppy and kitten accidents and training, but you’ve got yourself an appreciative, mature companion. As the bond between you grows, you’ll remember that you helped give your pet new life.Where to find a dog or cat to adopt
- Newspaper classifieds often have ads for older animals that need new homes. If you visit pets in their current homes, you’ll get a good idea of their temperament and how they interact with different people. You’ll also be able to discuss their needs with the people who know them best.
- Animal shelters such as the SPCA have lots of grown dogs and cats waiting for adoption. While it’s more difficult to assess their personalities when they’re in an unfamiliar setting, you’ll see a variety of animals to choose from.
- Animal rescue organizations spend time matching pets with adopters. The rescue volunteers will be able to describe the animals’ personalities and what type of home is the most suitable for each cat and dog. They’ll probably have a questionnaire for you to fill out, and they may ask for references. Some dog rescue organizations take in all breeds and mixed breeds, while breed rescue organizations rescue purebred dogs of a specific breed. Cat rescue organizations are sometimes breed specific, but the majority rescue all kinds of cats. Include a breed name in your searches if you’re looking for a specific breed.